1. Write a COBOL Program to accept your name and age from the keyboard and display on the screen.
2. Write a COBOL program to find out the simple interest using arithmetic verbs.
3. Modify the above programs such that we can include decimal values, zero suppression and dollar value.
4. Write a COBOL program using the following conditions:
a. Input rate and quantity.
b. If total value is greater than 500 allow a discount of 5% else no discount.
c. Display the net value.
5. Write a COBOL program to accept marks of 5 subjects and display the grade based on standard condition.
6. Modify the above program such that it displays formatted output.
7. Write a program to accept rate and quantity and display the total value in the given format:
ITEM NAME :___________
QUANTITY :______________
RATE :_______________
TOTAL VALUE : ____________
8. Write a program to accept marks and display the total marks , average and grade in the given format :
XYZ College
Marks Memo
Subject 1 :
Subject 2:
Subject 3:
Subject 4:
Subject 5:
Total Marks :
Average marks :
Grade :
9. Write a COBOL program to calculate the grade of the student such that max marks in each subject is 100.Use perform statements.
10. Write a COBOL Program for n items having the following structure.Calculate the total value of each item and at the end display grand total:
Column Datafield Type
15-22 UNIT-RATE NUMERIC(2 decimal places)
At end display the total no of items.
11. Using perform statements write a COBOL program to display the multiplication table of a given number.
12. Write the above program using perform varying statements.
13. Modify the above program using perform times.
14. Using perform statement write the following programs:
a. Factorial of a given number
b. Determine the number is prime or not
c. Armstrong number
d. Reverse of a given number
15. Write a COBOL program to find the total of 5 salesman values.
16. Display salesman name and sales value at end display total slaes value.
17. Write a COBOL program to display the name of the month accepting month number.
18. Write a COBOL program to accept the date in ddmmyy format and display in words.
19. There are 5 salesman in an organization.Each is selling the product for 12 months.Store the sale value of each month in a table and find out grand total sale value and total sale value of each salesman.
20. Modify the above program such that it displays the total sale value of each salesman.
21. Modify the above program such that you include one more dimension called region and there are in total 3 regions.Find out region wise, salesman wise, month wise and grand total.
22. Write a COBOL Program to enter 5 numbers in a single dimension table and search for a given number in the table:
a. Using perform without search verb
b. Using search verb
23. Write a program ti store the roll no,student name and total marks of 100 students in a table and display roll no, name and marks of a given student.
24. Write a COBOL program to search a saving bank account for a given account number and display the name and balance,Assume 400 entries.
25. Write a COBOL Program using perform varying statements to illustrate bubble sort.
25. Write a COBOL Program using perform varying statements to illustrate SHUTTLE sort.
26. Write a COBOL program to create a sequential file with empno, empname, dob,dept and salary.
27. Read the contents of the above file and display them.
28. Add additional records to the above file.
25. Write a COBOL Program using perform varying statements to illustrate SHUTTLE sort.
26. Write a COBOL program to create a sequential file with empno, empname, dob,dept and salary.
27. Read the contents of the above file and display them.
28. Add additional records to the above file.
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